The Orkla share is listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange and traded under the ticker code ORK. The Orkla share may also be traded through Orkla’s Level-1 ADR programme in the USA.
An ADR (American Depositary Receipts) is a negotiable U.S. certificate representing ownership of shares in a non-U.S. corporation. ADRs are quoted and traded in U.S. dollars in the U.S. securities market. An ADR carries the same shareholder rights as ordinary shares. One ADR represents one ordinary Orkla share.
ADR information
Symbol: ORKLY
CUSIP: 686331109
Exchange: OTC
Ratio: 1:1
Country: Norway
Depositary: BNY (Sponsored)
Custodian: Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB, Oslo Branch/ ESSENOKX
Effective Date: Nov 12, 2002
Underlying SEDOL: B1VQF42
Underlying ISIN: NO0003733800
U.S. ISIN: US6863311097
For all questions regarding ADR holdings such as notification of change of address, the cancellation or transfer of ADR certificates or to give dividend payment instructions, please contact Bank of New York Mellon (BNY).
Depository bank in the USA:
Shareholder correspondence:
BNY Mellon Shareowner Services
P.O. Box 43006
Providence RI 02940-3078
Overnight Correspondence:
BNY Mellon Shareowner Services
150 Royall St., Suite 101
Canton, MA 02021
Toll Free Telephone Number in the US: 1-888-269-2377
Outside the US: +1-201-680-6825